The gardens are places that add freshness to us with beautiful images in all seasons. It is possible to enjoy these areas with the choice of lighting when there is daylight as well as when there is absence of daylight.

Garden lighting is done with various lighting solutions. In these lighting solutions, the pool, sitting area, garden path, entrance way, wooded area, flowering areas in the garden should be compatible even though different methods are illuminated. In the selection of lighting poles to be used for garden lighting, you can include models that are compatible with the general garden view.

Lighting products can be selected from the ground for lighting the house walls or especially for lighting the pine trees. Lighting of flower areas and seating areas is also very important, as well as choosing the same shades of light throughout the garden, the choice of lighting in the same design also prevents confusion..

Yakan Lighting comes to mind when garden lighting is mentioned, offers you a wide range of products. It is possible to catch the harmony in your garden by selecting the products that are compatible with each other in the catalogue of wide product range..

How to Save in Garden Lighting?

Led lighting products have the desired lighting and you can also save energy. In addition to this, it is possible to save money by making room for products that are illuminated by solar energy, especially in the lighting of flowers. Garden lighting is the part where there should be no high illumination. In particular, daylight tones are the choices that will be used in these areas, and neither dim nor very bright is the choice that is most accurate. The correct calculation of the intervals of the lighting fixtures and walkaway poles on the top of the garden fence and lighting accordingly both provide an ideal illumination and prevent the use of more than necessary armature.

You can reach our article about the causes of light pollution from this link.