The development of technology continues to affect and change every aspect of our lives. Security solutions are one of the areas that constantly renew themselves with these developments and changes. As a result of the traditional security solutions not giving the desired efficiency and unwanted situations, electronic security systems are rapidly replacing them.

There are many different technological options at the point of overcoming the security problem, which is one of the biggest problems of today. Among these, the most demanding and reliable solution is undoubtedly camera systems. Whether it's your workplace or home; Camera systems, which produce durable and safe solutions against environmental conditions in all kinds of environments, protect your life and property safety.

When it comes to security in our country, the first thing that comes to mind is security cameras. It is also important where the security cameras, which continuously record images, are located. At this point, galvanized camera poles come into play. The biggest problem with camera poles is that they cannot exhibit high resistance to wind speed.

Poles leaning or collapsing against the wind can also damage the security camera it carries. For this reason, galvanized camera poles that can be produced resistant even against the wind blowing 180 km are preferred. In addition, depending on how much area the security camera will scan, the preferred camera pole should also be of the ideal length.

Manufactured using a different material and technique, these camera poles start from 2 meters in length and can extend up to 10 meters according to needs.

As Yakan Aydınlatma, we are making a professional production. And only professional manufacturing companies can successfully perform these precise static calculations.