In this article, we are going to explain the outdoor lighting fixtures.First of all, what are lighting fixtures? The lighting unit that contains the electric light source and all the parts necessary for its operation is called a luminaire. We are going to examine what are the types of luminaires and what are the differences.

Lighting fixtures are divided into 4 groups in terms of light distribution. These are lighting fixtures with narrow light distribution curve, lighting fixtures with light distribution curve medium narrow, lighting fixtures with wide light distribution curve and lighting fixtures light distribution curve medium wide. We can start by explaining the first.In lighting fixtures with narrow light distribution curve, horizontal lighting is severe and vertical lighting is weak.

In lighting fixtures with light distribution curve medium narrow, the lamp height is medium. They are used in places where the distance between the lamps is high. In lighting fixtures with wide light distribution curve.In this lighting fixtures,the light distribution curve is wide. The distance between the lamps can be high. They are widely used in road, square and junction lighting systems. Last one is lighting fixtures light distribution curve medium wide. In this lighting fixtures, lamp height is low. Also, the distance between the lambs is taken medium. They are used to illuminate places such as factories and parks.

We must choose the right luminaire for the right and healthy enlightenment. When we choose the armature suitable for the atmosphere of the space, we get the illumination we want.