Light is almost the most important part of our life. Light can be used not only to brighten the dark, but also to attract attention, create a visual feast. As the residential areas grow day by day, the open spaces are illuminated with strong illuminants, the parks and gardens increase and the population increases, the amount of light emitted to the sky is increasing day by day.

The side effect of wrong outdoor lighting that is necessary or unnecessary is defined as light pollution. It was revealed by researches that the wrong lighting sources directed to the sky hit the dust particles and molecules in the atmosphere, illuminate the natural background of the sky, impair vision, reduce safety and comfort at night, and damage human health and ecosystems and animals. Light pollution is park, garden, environmental and street lighting made by non-specialists.

We can talk about three basic components about light pollution.

- Sky Flare

- Overflow of light outside the boundaries of the region to be illuminated

- Glare

Light can spread directly from the fixtures to the sky or the light reflected from the earth can be scattered into the atmosphere by dust and gas molecules in the atmosphere, creating a bright background. It has an anti-vision effect on stars.

As a result of the illumination going beyond the boundaries of the region to be illuminated, it may create a distracting view by causing negative results in places where illumination is not desired. In addition, false lighting increases energy waste to very high costs.

Outdoor lighting armatures should be placed so as not to cause physiological and psychological glare.

What is Correct Lighting?

As a simple rule, if the light source is seen directly from a distance, this is bad lighting. In good lighting, you will not see the dazzling lamp. You will only see the area illuminated by the lamp. In a well-regulated outdoor lighting, an eye-brightness does not occur in the area illuminated. Unnecessary and overpowered light sources are not used. There is no problem of light pollution in cities with a good outdoor lighting system.

As Yakan Lighting, we are aware of this problem. We are a professional company that has a very good product quality and knows what is the right lighting will be.